Conditions for the formation of competence in the specialty "software engineering"


  • Bogdan D. Terekhin Far Eastern Federal University
  • Denis A. Startsev Far Eastern Federal University
  • Danila A. Razdobarov Far Eastern Federal University



software engineering, competence, specialty, formation


Since 2012, among the priority areas of education and science for teaching students and graduate students, internships of scientific and scientific and pedagogical workers in leading higher educational institutions and scientific institutions abroad, which relate to computer science and computer technology, three are software engineering, software systems and software engineering - belong to the same specialty: 121 - Software engineering. In addition, a significant part of other priority areas (mathematical and computer modeling; information and communication technologies; artificial intelligence systems; system programming, etc.) are tangent to it. Technologies and tools for developing software products and systems are identified as one of the priority areas for scientific research and scientific and technical development in Russia for the period up to 2020. These and a number of other legislative initiatives of our state are evidence of an urgent public need for competent software engineering specialists trained on the basis of the best world standards and advanced foreign experience and capable of designing, testing, implementing and commercializing innovative IPO technologies. It would be appropriate to start the analysis of the world experience in the training of IPT specialists with a retrospective review of the evolution of the very concept of "Software Engineering" and the main stages in the development of this industry. The purpose of the article is to analyze the main stages in the development of the IPP as a field of knowledge, highlight the fundamental components of the training of future software engineers and determine the trends in the development of this industry for the next decade.


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How to Cite

Терехин БД, Старцев ДА, Раздобаров ДА. Conditions for the formation of competence in the specialty "software engineering". УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(11):169-78. Available from: