Usage of integrated lessons for develop students' communication skills


  • Marina U. Zubairaeva Chechen State Pedagogical University
  • Luiza B. Abdulvakhabova Kadyrov Chechen State University



integrated lesson, English, socio-cultural competence, communication skills


The article is devoted to the study of the process of organizing integrated lessons for the development of communication skills. The paper considers the content, stages and system of exercises for the development of communication skills of high school students during integrated lessons. The technology of work during integrated lessons and the technology of development of communication skills are substantiated. Many scientists have come to the conclusion that combining different types of systems for the formation of a new one is not only a necessity, but also the main task in modern education. According to them and testimonies (N. Antonova, N. Valueva and others), it was the use of integrated learning that gave an incredible positive result in the formation of communication skills that can be used in everyday life. The ability to integrate, that is, to combine various activities in the study of a foreign language, gives a positive result, so it is important not only for a particular discipline, but for all academic disciplines together. The structure of an integrated lesson is conditioned by the set goal and objectives, which is determined by the content of education and the characteristics of the activities of students and teachers. The use of integrated technology imposes certain requirements on the main technological stages of an integrated lesson.


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How to Cite

Зубайраева МУ, Абдулвахабова ЛБ. Usage of integrated lessons for develop students’ communication skills. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(11):17-23. Available from:

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