Problems and opportunities of online mediation involving children with disabilities in the education system: the context of the Arctic and the Far North


  • Ekaterina A. Gruzdeva Siberian Federal University



mediation, conflicts, online mediation, education, Arctic, Far North.


The article considers the problems and possibilities of introducing an innovative method of conflict resolution with the help of a mediator using ICT (online mediation) in general education institutions in terms of the climatic features of the Arctic and the Far North, the specifics of remote location and the development of the educational system as a whole. General education institutions are monitored for the use of mediation procedures, the development of mediation programs, and the methods used. Through sociological research, the specifics of the organizational structure of school mediation services, the problems of functioning, the types and causes of conflict situations are revealed. The main gaps in the educational system of the Arctic territories are traced, which negatively affect the large-scale and effective implementation of mediation. Russia's high interest in the Arctic territories is primarily related to economic opportunities. The Arctic is a strategic platform, a priority in defense issues, and a major source of hydrocarbon reserves. The peculiarity of the location allows you to strengthen the financial position of the country. At the same time, the peculiarity of the location affects the harsh climate, the migration flow and the problem of access to education. A special role is given to the possibilities of online mediation in resolving conflicts involving children with disabilities of different categories. It is concluded that it is necessary to improve the educational system of the Arctic territories in terms of training specialists in the field of mediation and generally competitive personnel who possess ICT tools, as well as to diversify the formats for providing information and improving the effectiveness of training. It explains the need for the development of alternative mediation and the introduction of online mediation.

Author Biography

Ekaterina A. Gruzdeva, Siberian Federal University

postgraduate student of the Department of Information Technologies of Training and Continuing Education


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How to Cite

Груздева Е. Problems and opportunities of online mediation involving children with disabilities in the education system: the context of the Arctic and the Far North. УО [Internet]. 2021May11 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(3):10-8. Available from: