Methods of increasing the motivation of students in music lessons in elementary school


  • Yuan Gao A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University



music education, motivation, elementary school, music


Motivating students to achieve during music lessons in elementary school is one of the most important tasks in modern music education in secondary schools. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the role of motivation of students in music lessons in primary schools, from the point of view of education, psychology and music education in particular, as well as to provide effective methods of motivating students in music lessons. Motivation to study music can be divided into internal and external. Music teaching should move in the direction of innovation. Music teachers should change the concept of education and teaching, consider interest as the key to opening up the opportunity for students to study music, and direct students to actively participate in music learning. It is necessary to create a relaxed atmosphere in the music class. Music teachers should instill self confidence in students and be able to identify the bright sides of students so that students can experience the joy of learning music. It is also worth noting that music teachers should constantly improve their professional abilities, often engage in introspection and be motivated to self-improvement.


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How to Cite

Gao Y. Methods of increasing the motivation of students in music lessons in elementary school. УО [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 25 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];12(10):78-82. Available from: