Education and training: qualification and competence


  • Alina Yu. Sokolova Tver State Medical University



training, education, educational standard, competence, qualification


The article analyzes the terms "competence" and "qualification", discusses their applicability within the framework of modern educational standards. The concepts of "training" and "education", which constitute two interrelated aspects of human cognitive activity, are considered. The differences and areas of intersection of these two phenomena and their connection with the concepts of "competence" and "qualification" are given. The proclaimed universal higher education has led to the depreciation of certificates and diplomas, the termination of equal opportunities for professional advancement, and the absence of a relationship between qualifications and positions. The competence model has replaced the qualifications model. The need to use the new terminology was caused not so much by internal contradictions as by the requirements of the Bologna Process for a common understanding of the content of qualifications and degrees in all educational standards of the participating countries. Indeed, the concept of competence underlies all foreign educational standards.


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How to Cite

Соколова АЮ. Education and training: qualification and competence. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(9):159-63. Available from: