Modern methods and innovations in teaching general education subjects of secondary vocational education programs


  • Alexander N. Lukichev Union "Professionals in the Field of Educational Innovations"
  • Vera N. Checheleva Limited Liability Company Joint Venture "Sodruzhestvo»
  • Dmitry I. Yangez Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism
  • Stanislav V. Zimin Department of History of Arts and Humanities S. G. Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Art and Industry
  • Elena A. Tsvetkova Moscow State Pedagogical University
  • Ekaterina S. Kolesnikova Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism



general education disciplines; secondary vocational education; pedagogical technology; round table method; role-playing games; situation analysis; collaborative learning; critical thinking method; project activities


The article is devoted to the use of innovative methods of teaching general education subjects in the professional activity of a teacher of the organization of secondary vocational education (SPE), which allow to increase the motivation of students and provide advanced entry into the profession/specialty in the key of modern trends in the system of secondary vocational education. The primary objectives of this work is to study educational innovations in the system of secondary vocational education, focused on comprehensive training of students, which is based on general education disciplines; the purpose of the article is to determine the most effective innovative methods of teaching general education disciplines of secondary vocational education programs, aimed at developing students ' critical thinking, the ability to independently make reasonable decisions in today's rapidly changing world. The authors of the article used general scientific methods of research: analysis of methodological literature, including foreign sources, in order to study the theoretical and methodological aspects of modern teaching methods in the system of secondary vocational education. The hypothesis of the study is that the use of innovative methods of teaching general education subjects in secondary education programs is the key to the advanced development of the secondary education system, the need for which is determined at the state level. The results of the analysis of modern teaching methods in the field of secondary vocational education justify the need to introduce into the learning process teaching methods based on modern science, effective pedagogical technologies for the training of professional personnel, giving not only knowledge and skills, but also teaching behavioral models.

Author Biographies

Alexander N. Lukichev, Union "Professionals in the Field of Educational Innovations"

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Vice-President

Vera N. Checheleva, Limited Liability Company Joint Venture "Sodruzhestvo»

candidate of Philological Sciences, expert

Dmitry I. Yangez, Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Research and Editorial and Publishing Department

Stanislav V. Zimin, Department of History of Arts and Humanities S. G. Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Art and Industry

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Elena A. Tsvetkova, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Management

Ekaterina S. Kolesnikova, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics


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How to Cite

Лукичев А, Чечелева В, Янгез Д, Зимин С, Цветкова Е, Колесникова Е. Modern methods and innovations in teaching general education subjects of secondary vocational education programs. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.22 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(2):236-44. Available from: