Development of emotional and moral responsiveness of primary school children on the basis of musical and pedagogical technologies


  • Aizhan Zh. Tobagabylova A. Yasavi International Kazakh-Turkish University



Music education, development, emotionality, responsiveness, schoolchildren


In the development of modern national education, the process of formation and full-fledged development of a vital and competent creative personality, the disclosure of its personal and individual qualities and inclinations, the awareness of self-worth and self-sufficiency, the priority of universal values, is of particular importance. Especially important and decisive in the process of personal growth is the preschool period, which creates the basis for dynamic changes in the further ontogenesis of a person. It is this period that scientists compare with the laying of the foundation of a building, on the quality and reliability of which all the beauty and grandeur of the future structure will depend. The current state of development of society accumulates the need for humanization of the educational process, the recognition of the individual as the main value of being, the harmony of man, nature and society. The priority is to create an emotionally stimulating learning environment, encourage students ' initiative, establish trusting interpersonal relationships between the teacher and children, focus the educational process on developing the potential and creative abilities of children and abandon authoritarian pedagogy and pedagogical pressure on children. The formal transfer of knowledge and social norms in traditional pedagogy has demonstrated the inability to form a complete self-sufficient personality, ready for self-realization and conscious and responsible choice in certain life circumstances and situations. The use of music therapy in the process of musical education of preschool children and primary school children, resolving the existing contradictions between the theory and practice of art education, contributes to the optimization of the process of musical education of children based on the disclosure of their sanogenic (health) potential.

Author Biography

Aizhan Zh. Tobagabylova, A. Yasavi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Candidate of the Department of General and Professional Pedagogy

Orenburg State University


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How to Cite

Тобагабылова А. Development of emotional and moral responsiveness of primary school children on the basis of musical and pedagogical technologies. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.22 [cited 2024Jul.1];11(2):226-35. Available from: