Prevention of suicidal behavior of military personnel


  • O.P. Ivanova NEFU Technical Institute (branch) named after M.K. Ammosov
  • L.V. Mamedova NEFU Technical Institute (branch) named after M.K. Ammosov



military personnel, commander, socio-psychological service, suicide


The role of the number of suicides in military units causes alarm and concern of the secondment, The analysis of statistical data shows that despite the measures taken, it is not possible to achieve a steady reduction in the number of suicides (hereinafter referred to as C), and recently there has been a tendency to increase them. Commanders and superiors simplistically, often subjectively approach the assessment of factors (C), try to attribute its causes to negative characteristics of military personnel, family troubles, economic difficulties, without connection with the real state of affairs in the unit, the organization of the educational process and the socio-psychological climate in military units. The relevance of this article lies in the fact that most of the facts (C) are completely mentally healthy people, under the influence of life and service situations, timely knowledge of which and competent response from commanders and specialists of socio-psychological services (hereinafter referred to as PCA), as well as comrades.


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How to Cite

Иванова О, Мамедова Л. Prevention of suicidal behavior of military personnel. УО [Internet]. 2022Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(8):195-202. Available from: