To the question of the relevance of the development and updating of methods of teaching general education (compulsory) disciplines of educational programs of secondary vocational education


  • Natalia V. Mosyagina Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism
  • Marina А. Serdyuk Borisoglebsky Technical School of Industrial and Information Technologies
  • Gennady B. Voronov MIREA – Russian Technological University
  • Vasily Zh. Tsvetkov Moscow State Pedagogical University
  • Tatyana Yu. Jamalova College of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • Anna Yu. Romanenko Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism



secondary vocational education; methods of teaching general (compulsory) subjects; educational program; federal state educational standard; professional standard; professional competencies; WorldSkills Russia


The article considers the issue of the relevance of the development and updating of methods of teaching general education (compulsory) disciplines of educational programs of secondary vocational education (SPE) in modern conditions. The article shows the need to develop and update methods of teaching general education (compulsory) disciplines of secondary school educational programs based on the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) of the new generation, the requirements of professional standards, international requirements for the methods and competencies of WorldSkills Russia (WSR). The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need to update the methods of teaching general education (compulsory) disciplines of educational programs of secondary vocational education. Objectives of the article: to determine the role of secondary vocational education in the modern system of Russian education; to analyze the modern system of secondary vocational education in the conditions of an innovative economy; to identify and study the factors that determine the need to update the methods of teaching general education (compulsory) disciplines of secondary vocational education programs in modern conditions. Research hypothesis: improving the quality of training of students in educational institutions of secondary vocational education through the formation of updated methods of teaching general (compulsory) disciplines of educational programs of secondary vocational education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation, the requirements of professional standards, international requirements for methods and competencies of WorldSkills Russia. Research methods are based on the use of general scientific methods of cognition: abstraction, analysis, analogy, complexity, logic, synthesis, consistency. Results achieved: substantiation of the need to develop and update methods of teaching general education (compulsory) disciplines of educational programs of secondary vocational education on the basis of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards, the requirements of professional standards and WSR methods as a mandatory and important condition for ensuring the formation of a modern innovative system for training qualified workers (employees) and middle-level specialists in accordance with the needs of the economy and society

Author Biographies

Natalia V. Mosyagina, Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism

candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector

Marina А. Serdyuk, Borisoglebsky Technical School of Industrial and Information Technologies

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Director

Gennady B. Voronov, MIREA – Russian Technological University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Informatics of the Institute of Cybernetics

Vasily Zh. Tsvetkov, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Modern Russian History

Tatyana Yu. Jamalova, College of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher

Anna Yu. Romanenko, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Educational and Methodological Department


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How to Cite

Масягина Н, Сердюк М, Воронов Г, Цветков В, Джамалова Т, Романенко А. To the question of the relevance of the development and updating of methods of teaching general education (compulsory) disciplines of educational programs of secondary vocational education. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.22 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(2):179-88. Available from: