Control of the level of the development of foreign language competence of students of higher educational institutions


  • Marina A. Arskaya Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



future police officers, non-linguistic university, English, higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, development


Language education at the level of state documents is recognized as one of the main components of higher education. Teams of scientists from Canada, the USA and various European countries -members of the Council for Cultural Cooperation - worked on the development of the concept and strategy of language policy in Europe. Russia's integration into European and international organizations necessitates high-quality foreign language training of graduates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. The foundations of the new language policy in Russia are highlighted in the works of a team of linguists, which define modern approaches to teaching foreign languages in line with the Pan-European Recommendations of the Council of Europe. In the studies of domestic and foreign scientists, a number of contradictions have been identified that objectively exist in the practice of teaching foreign languages in higher educational institutions. These include: the traditional study of grammar, vocabulary, translation training in foreign language classes and the need to develop practical skills of foreign language communication, taking into account background knowledge of the country and language and knowledge of professional terminology; the lack of a systematic link between the professional and foreign language training of students of non-philological specialties in higher education institutions; inconsistency of the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia with the recommendations of the Council of Europe.


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How to Cite

Арская МА. Control of the level of the development of foreign language competence of students of higher educational institutions. УО [Internet]. 2022Sep.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(7):214-21. Available from: