Simulation modeling of spiritual and moral qualities of modern youth


  • Magomed H. Dalakov Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



spiritual and moral qualities, youth, modeling, students


In the context of the study of intellectual and informational civilization as a cycle of socio-natural evolution, special emphasis is placed on the consideration of education as a mechanism of upward reproduction of the quality of public intelligence, that is, the unity of public consciousness and the unity of public knowledge, the unity of education, science and culture. Public intelligence from the form of "mind-for-itself" passes into the form of the existence of mind for the biosphere, which places high demands on the quality of the educational system in society. There should be an expansion of education to society as a whole. The civilizational shift at the end of the XX century is a reflection of the educational and pedagogical formation revolution, which reflects the transition from the educational and pedagogical formation of enlightenment (the end of the 300-year educational information cycle) to the educational and pedagogical formation of an "educational society" in which the main product is not an educational service, but the person himself, his socialization, the quality of his intelligence and the quality of public intelligence. The purpose of the article is to conduct simulation modeling of spiritual and moral qualities of modern youth. Materials and methods. The following research methods were used: - theoretical: the study and analysis of philosophical and psychological and pedagogical literature to reveal the essence of theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of research; theoretical generalization and systematization, with the help of which the characteristics of the problem field of research were provided and the essence of the spiritual and cultural values of education was clarified; - empirical: pedagogical observation, conversations, discussions, questionnaires, training, pedagogical experiment (ascertaining and forming) to determine the levels of formation of spiritual and cultural values of education among students; analysis of research results to verify the effectiveness of the organizational and methodological system of their formation; - statistical-collection and statistical processing of experimental data. Results. It is proved that for the revival of the spiritual and cultural component of education today it is necessary to re focus higher education on the spiritual and cultural development of the student's personality, the formation of his spiritual and cultural values of education as the basis for the transmission of spiritual, not material culture, the development of not just a literate person, but a harmoniously and comprehensively developed, broad-minded, spiritually-culturally educated personalities. The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that the results of the study can be used by specialized specialists to improve the results of their own research.


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How to Cite

Далаков МХ. Simulation modeling of spiritual and moral qualities of modern youth. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.20 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(6):294-315. Available from: