Technology of cooperation in the process of formation of musical and creative activity of schoolchildren in primary general education


  • Irina V. Pavlenko Armavir State Pedagogical University
  • Galina A. Tribushnaya Armavir State Pedagogical University



pedagogy of cooperation, joint activity, collective interaction, junior schoolchildren, musical and creative activity, humanization


The content of education is a pedagogical category, which largely determines the essence and effectiveness of the functioning of educational systems. Without exaggeration, the level of life and professional training of new generations depends on the expediency of selecting and implementing educational content. The recognition of the cultural and developmental and educational functions of the content of education gives grounds to consider it as a leading factor in the formation of personal, in particular musical, culture of the child in educational activities. At the same time, there is a shortage of scientific research on the theoretical justification of the structure and principles of the selection of the content of general music education, in particular with regard to primary school students. Based on scientific provisions and proceeding from the purpose of art education of schoolchildren, we consider the content of general music education as a system of musical knowledge, skills, skills and methods of musical and creative activity pedagogically adapted for students, aimed at forming the foundations of musical culture of the individual in the unity of its components: musical orientation, musical knowledge, musical and creative education and development. These components of the content of education do not exist in isolation and the possibility of their interpenetration should be taken into account. For example: the theoretical and practical elements are directly related to each other, since "no information in the field of art can be disclosed without involving a person in independent artistic activity"; the developing element cannot exist separately from the theoretical and practical, since the development of students occurs in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and skills of musical and creative activity; motivational value and educational elements correlate with each other and with others, because the formation of value judgments and the education of schoolchildren permeates all stages of educational activity. Thus, the emotional-value element of the content of education finds expression in the attitude of the individual to the goal of cognitive activity, the fulfillment of specific tasks, mastering the means of reproductive and creative activity, to the consequences of his cognitive activity, reflecting the social maturity and personal position of the subject of learning. 


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How to Cite

Павленко ИВ, Трибушная ГА. Technology of cooperation in the process of formation of musical and creative activity of schoolchildren in primary general education. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(6):103-11. Available from: