Modern forms of lectures at the medical University


  • Gaina A. Arsakhanova Chechen State University named after A-X.Kadyrova



medical university, university, first year, education


The coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) accelerated the movement towards telemedicine and provided opportunities for medical schools to prepare students to participate in online education and to form competencies for this transition. The use of an interactive online conference with patients or colleagues during practical classes significantly improves the quality of training (the average score, absolute and qualitative academic performance is significantly higher for students who are engaged in using visualization of on-line consultations of patients). The students answered questions on the evaluation of the proposed form of distance education, which, in their opinion, improves the assimilation of the material and increases motivation to study the educational material due to the "materialization" of theoretical knowledge. Taking into account our experience and the results of the conducted research, we consider the use of interactive online consultations of patients to be promising in the conditions of distance learning, since this significantly increases the level of assimilation of the material and motivation of students, and is also an effective means of practicing practical skills in the diagnosis and therapy of infectious diseases in children and adults.


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How to Cite

Арсаханова ГА. Modern forms of lectures at the medical University. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(6):25-31. Available from: