The use of technological approaches in the activities of an educational organization


  • Alexander S. Semchenko Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



pedagogical technology, technological process, norm, pedagogy, education, educational organization, criteria of professional activity.


Economic activity is one of the fundamental concepts of economics, which is considered as the main state of existence of humanity, implementing the purposeful will of the subjects. As a result of its implementation, the necessary changes take place in the interests of the individual and society. Economic activity, as well as its core component - a process (a set of successive actions to achieve certain goals, as a result of which transformations occur) - has an end (creation of goods), means (factors of production) and a result (economic benefits in the form of goods and services useful to society). Educational activity is one of the types of economic activity. Conducting research on the most important processes and phenomena in the industry makes it possible to develop measures for its modernization in modern conditions. The issue of the technological approach in pedagogy has attracted and is attracting the attention of many scientists. However, certain aspects of both the theoretical plan (the essence of the technological approach and pedagogical technologies) and the practical one (the place of the technological approach in the process of modernization of primary general education, the combination of traditional and innovative technologies in the educational process of a modern educational organization) remain debatable. The priority directions of the state policy for the development of modern education are the need to improve the quality of education, modernize its content, and update the forms of organization of the educational process. The implementation of these tasks is possible on the basis of the introduction of educational innovations, a technological approach: the orientation of the educational space to a competence-based approach, the search for effective learning technologies, a variety of curricula and textbooks.

Author Biography

Alexander S. Semchenko, Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Organization of work with Personnel


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How to Cite

Семченко А. The use of technological approaches in the activities of an educational organization. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.22 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(2):64-72. Available from: