Organization of extracurricular activities aimed at developing the cognitive interests of younger students


  • Tatyana I. Kiseleva Secondary School No. 70,



extracurricular activities; cognitive interests; junior school student; circle; club; scientific society of schoolchildren.


Younger students often form their cognitive interests based on external influences. At the same time, the orientation of cognitive interests is determined not so much by the pedagogical bias, as by the possibility of providing assistance in choosing the further structure of ensuring implementation in the structure of school education. The authors note that it is possible to promote the possibility of activating cognitive ability on the basis of extracurricular activities. The article deals with experimental work on the organization of extracurricular activities aimed at the development of cognitive interests of primary school students. It is determined that there is a higher level of development of cognitive interest in the students of the experimental group. The authors found that the differences between the experimental and control groups were significant by more than 0.05. The authors compare the results obtained before and after the experiment. It was revealed that at the initial stage of the experiment, the control and experimental groups had approximately equal indicators. The authors come to the conclusion that the developed model of the development of cognitive interest of primary school students in extracurricular activities is theoretically justified and practically confirmed. The authors show that extracurricular activities can be further considered as a basis for integrating the concept of sustainable education.

Author Biography

Tatyana I. Kiseleva, Secondary School No. 70,



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How to Cite

Киселева Т. Organization of extracurricular activities aimed at developing the cognitive interests of younger students. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.2 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(1):251-69. Available from: