The role of innovative teaching methods in the formation of critical thinking among students of higher educational institutions


  • Vitaly P. Cherkes Pacific State University


innovative teaching methods, critical thinking, higher education, educational technologies, pedagogical experiment, case method, TRIZ.


The relevance of innovative teaching methods in the formation of critical thinking among university students is due to the need to train specialists who are able to effectively solve non-standard tasks in a dynamically changing world. Despite a significant number of studies on this issue, many issues remain controversial. The purpose of the work is to identify the role of innovative pedagogical technologies in the development of students' critical thinking. Tasks: 1) to analyze the current state of the problem in the scientific literature; 2) to substantiate the advantages of innovative methods; 3) experimentally prove their effectiveness. Methods. A set of complementary methods was used: theoretical analysis of literature, modeling of the educational process, pedagogical experiment, testing, statistical data processing. The experimental work was carried out on a representative sample of students (n=120). The validity and reliability of the results are provided methodologically, using valid tools, and the adequacy of methods to goals and objectives. It is established that: 1) innovative methods are significantly more effective than traditional ones in the development of critical thinking (p<0.01); 2) the greatest effect is achieved with the systematic application of the case method, TRIZ, methods of developing creative thinking; 3) the effectiveness of innovative technologies is mediated by the professionalism of the teacher and the motivation of students. Discussion. The results obtained contribute to the development of the theory and methodology of vocational education. The priority role of innovative methods in the formation of the key competence of future specialists - critical thinking is proved. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using a proven set of methods in the educational practice of universities. The prospects of the study are related to the study of individual psychological factors of the effectiveness of innovative technologies.


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How to Cite

Cherkes VP. The role of innovative teaching methods in the formation of critical thinking among students of higher educational institutions. УО [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 15 [cited 2024 Nov. 24];14(7-1):129-38. Available from:

