The current state of training of future doctors in the UK and Russia: comparative pedagogical aspect


  • Gaina A. Arsakhanova Chechen State University



Medical education, communication, management, research, UK, Russia


The medical faculties of British universities provide education of the highest quality and are extremely attractive to international students thanks to effective programs of communicative adaptation, which ensures that students whose native language is not English, master the desired specialty in an English speaking environment and, in the future of professional life, enjoy all the advantages of belonging to a community that is a native speaker of the language of international scientific communication. In the light of the pan-European requirements, the features of educational processes in the UK were determined. A characteristic feature of education in the UK is the understanding of foreign-language professional communication as an integral component of foreign language education, which is characterized by certain patterns that are in the field of view of specialists and implement reforms of its content and technology of functioning. The concept of professional foreign language communication is considered as a special interpersonal professional interaction in the field of informational and cognitive contact, which involves the exchange of information taking into account the possibilities of cognitive and emotional impact on the interlocutor and the peculiarities of speech and behavioral etiquette of native speakers. The higher education system in the UK is complex and has a number of characteristics that are not found in other European countries at all. Firstly, there are four systems, one for each administrative jurisdiction of the UK: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The similarities among the four are greater than their differences, so we can talk about the higher education system in Britain," however, the differences, however, are noted and are becoming more and more popular. In particular, Scotland, which has always had a separate educational system, has adopted a special approach to the organization of education at all levels and, for example, uses a credit and qualification system that covers all levels of activity from secondary to higher education. The relationship between the UK's higher education systems has become increasingly complex since 1997, when it switched to a system of legislation in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


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How to Cite

Арсаханова ГА. The current state of training of future doctors in the UK and Russia: comparative pedagogical aspect. УО [Internet]. 2021Oct.15 [cited 2024Jul.17];11(5):126-33. Available from: