A linguocultural approach to teaching Russian to bilingual students


  • Leila M. Bakhayeva Chechen State Pedagogical University
  • Birlant R. Zakrailova Kadyrov Chechen State University


linguoculturology, Russian as a foreign language, bilingualism, culturally marked vocabulary, communicative competence, linguodidactics


The article considers the linguistic and cultural approach in teaching Russian to bilingual students. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to take into account cultural specifics when teaching a language in the context of bilingualism. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for integrating the linguistic and cultural component into the practice of teaching Russian to bilinguals. The tasks include the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the approach, the study of the peculiarities of the perception of culturally marked vocabulary by bilinguals, the development of a system of exercises. The methodological base was made up of content analysis of scientific literature, linguistic didactic experiment (n=50), linguistic and cultural commentary, statistical data processing. As a result of the study, the specifics of mastering the cultural background of vocabulary in the context of bilingualism were revealed, a typology of culturally labeled units was proposed, and a set of exercises for their semantics and activation was developed. The introduction of a linguistic and cultural approach contributed to an increase in cultural awareness of bilinguals by 28%, and an increase in motivation to learn the language. The theoretical significance of the work is determined by the contribution to the development of the methodology of linguoculturology and linguodidactics. The practical value is associated with the possibility of using the results in the practice of teaching Russian to bilinguals. The research prospects include testing the methodology on a larger sample, and developing a special course in linguoculturology for bilinguals.


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How to Cite

Bakhayeva LM, Zakrailova BR. A linguocultural approach to teaching Russian to bilingual students. УО [Internet]. 2024 May 15 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];14(5-1):189-96. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/1619

