Scientific approaches and pedagogical conditions for the development of the heritage of Russian vocal classical music by Chinese students


  • Tingting Liu The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia


the content of musical and pedagogical education, vocal training, students from the People's Republic of China, Russian vocal classical music, scientific approaches, pedagogical conditions.


The analysis of scientific approaches and the system of pedagogical conditions for the development of Russian vocal classical music by Chinese students refers to the methodologically significant problems of Russian musical and pedagogical education. The work highlights pedagogical, cultural, musical-historical and musical-theoretical approaches, the interrelation of which is provided by the interpretation of the vocal work from the standpoint of the civilizational characteristics of the musical culture of Russia. The author draws attention to the peculiarities of the moral meanings of Russian vocal classical music, which are close to the value worldview of the Chinese people. Among them are the moral orientation of music, the commonality of the stylistic patterns of music development with other types of arts, the realism of musical images, patriotism, and the poetic perception of the beauty of the world.


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How to Cite

Liu T. Scientific approaches and pedagogical conditions for the development of the heritage of Russian vocal classical music by Chinese students. УО [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];14(4-2):245-51. Available from:

