The use of open educational resources in teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university in groups with different levels of training


  • Alexandra Yu. Rudakova Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)


open educational resources, foreign language, non-linguistic university, multi-level education, individualization, methodological potential, language training.


This study is devoted to the analysis of the possibilities of using open educational resources (OER) in teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university in groups with different levels of language training. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to individualize the educational process and expand the range of didactic tools in conditions of limited classroom time. The purpose of the work is to determine the potential of OER for optimizing language training in heterogeneous educational groups. The tasks include the typologization of OER, the analysis of their didactic value, the development of methodological principles and the approbation of the technology of using OER. The research methodology is complex and based on a combination of competence-based, personality-oriented and technological approaches. The empirical base includes survey and testing data from 120 students of 1-2 courses, observations and expert assessments of teachers (n=15). A qualitative content analysis of 50 OER revealed their typological features and functional characteristics. A quantitative analysis of the results of experimental work showed an increase in motivation, academic autonomy and academic achievements of students in experimental groups by 25-40% compared with control groups (p<0.01). Methodological principles of selection and didactization of OER are formulated. It is proved that the integration of OER into language courses contributes to the individualization of learning, the development of all types of speech activity, and the improvement of independent work skills. The results of the study are of theoretical value for linguodidactics and digital pedagogy, and have practical significance for optimizing language education at a university. The prospects of the research are related to the study of the effectiveness of OER in the formation of intercultural competence and academic skills.


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How to Cite

Rudakova AY. The use of open educational resources in teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university in groups with different levels of training. УО [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Nov. 24];14(4-2):209-18. Available from:

