The pedagogical and methodological role of cultural centers in the preservation of national identity in the regions of Russia


  • Ramilya R. Nurmieva Kazan Volga Federal University


national identity, cultural centers, ethnocultural values, preservation of identity, regions of Russia, intercultural dialogue.


This article is devoted to the study of the role of cultural centers in preserving national identity in the regions of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to maintain the cultural diversity and identity of the peoples of Russia in the context of globalization and unification of cultural processes. The paper examines the theoretical aspects of the concept of "national identity", analyzes the functions and activities of cultural centers in the context of the preservation and transmission of ethnocultural values. The research materials and methods include an analysis of scientific literature, statistical data, as well as the results of a sociological survey conducted among 1,500 respondents in 10 regions of the Russian Federation. The methods of system analysis, comparative historical and sociological research are used. The results of the work indicate the significant role of cultural centers in preserving national identity. It was revealed that 78% of respondents consider the activities of cultural centers important for maintaining the identity of their people. It was found that the most effective forms of work are the organization of festivals (65%), exhibitions (54%), master classes (48%) and educational programs (41%). The main problems in the activities of cultural centers are identified: insufficient funding (72%), low youth involvement (56%), lack of qualified personnel (39%). Recommendations for optimizing the work of cultural centers are proposed, including the expansion of state support, the introduction of innovative forms of work, the involvement of volunteers and the development of interregional cooperation. The results obtained can be used in the development of strategies for the preservation and development of the ethnocultural diversity of the regions of Russia.


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How to Cite

Nurmieva RR. The pedagogical and methodological role of cultural centers in the preservation of national identity in the regions of Russia. УО [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];14(4-2):190-8. Available from:

