Formation of sustainable motivation for education among senior schoolchildren in a digital environment
psychology of a high school student, motivation, educational process, digital educational environment, digitalizationAbstract
This article examines the problem of impaired motivation to participate in the educational process among senior schoolchildren, classifies the types of motivation and their sources, examines the principle of forming a stable internal motivation to acquire knowledge and ways to achieve stable motivation using the communicative and reflective aspects of high school students' activities within the digital educational environment. The article deals with the problem of formation of sustainable motivation for education among senior schoolchildren in a digital environment. The introduction of technology into the educational process is becoming an integral part of modern learning, which requires a revision of approaches to student motivation. The authors explore the key factors influencing the motivation of schoolchildren, such as interactivity, accessibility of information and personalization of the learning process. The article analyzes both the positive and negative consequences of digitalization of education, including a possible decrease in the level of internal motivation and dependence on external incentives. Techniques and tools that help maintain interest in learning, such as gamification and the use of educational platforms, are also considered. Based on the results of the conducted research, the authors propose recommendations for optimizing the digital learning process aimed at increasing the level of motivation of students. In conclusion, the need for an integrated approach, including pedagogical innovations and technological tools, is emphasized in order to create favorable conditions conducive to the formation of sustainable motivation for education among senior schoolchildren.
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