Theoretical aspects of the formation of predictive competence of pedagogical university students


  • Angelina A. Pokrovskaya Surgut State University



competence, predictive competence, competence approach, competence formation, concept


The article examines the conceptual foundations of the formation of predictive competence of students of pedagogical educational institutions. It should be noted that most young professionals face problems in practice, which are often due to insufficiently developed abilities to predict the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and interactions, to determine the potential capabilities of the student, as well as the lack of skills and abilities to instantly respond to changes in the conditions of the educational process. The paper pays special attention to the analysis and structuring of various concepts taken from a variety of sources on this topic. The research is aimed at determining the degree of development of predictive competence among students of pedagogical universities and clarifying the need for in-depth study of this competence. The research methods included the analysis of scientific literature, questioning students on knowledge and understanding of the concept of predictive competence. The results of the study showed that a significant proportion of students have an insufficient level of predictive competence. This confirms the need for in-depth study and immersion in this aspect of professional training. The results of the study emphasize the importance of creating specialized educational programs and methodological approaches aimed at the successful development of predictive competence among students preparing for teaching activities.


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How to Cite

Покровская АА. Theoretical aspects of the formation of predictive competence of pedagogical university students. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.30 [cited 2024Jul.18];14(3-2):58–64. Available from:

