The role of sport in personality formation and character development on the example of athletes in wartime


  • Gennady B. Kondrakov Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Razambek R. Pihaev Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Narbek M. Nutsalov Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Emir R. Tsitskiev Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



sport, personality formation, character development, students, psychology


The article analyzes the importance of sports culture in improving the personality and character of students of higher educational institutions and is based on psychological theories in the field of sports. Using the methodology of quantitative data analysis of 150 students, the study revealed the positive effects of physical activity on determination, perseverance, initiative and self-discipline. The results obtained confirm the need to include sports in educational programs as a means of comprehensive personal development. The study of motivation, self-regulation and social learning in psychology helps to understand the mental and emotional processes that affect the actions and achievements of athletes. The article also examines the role of athletes during the Great Patriotic War, especially their patriotism and heroism. The importance and influence of athletes on the course of the war and the morale of the nation is described. Examples of famous athletes such as Nikolai Korolev and Lev Yashin, who volunteered for the front and showed outstanding qualities, are given. They also discuss the preservation of interest in sports in war conditions, the holding of sports events and the importance of the physical culture movement during the conflict years. It is also said that even in the most difficult times, the patriotism of athletes remained high, which served as an example of devotion to the Motherland.


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How to Cite

Кондраков ГБ, Пихаев РР, Нуцалов НМ, Цицкиев ЭР. The role of sport in personality formation and character development on the example of athletes in wartime. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.30 [cited 2024Jul.18];14(3-2):50–57. Available from:

