Investigation of the candidate's metaprogram profile for confidential cooperation in the ORD


  • Alsu A. Zuikova Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia



metaprograms, confidential cooperation, object of operational interest, achievement of psychological contact, mechanism of obtaining the first impression


The article discusses the mechanism of obtaining a first impression. To correctly draw up a psychological portrait of an object of operational interest, it is necessary to understand the algorithms of internal cognitive processes that distort the perception of an object. Having abandoned the stereotypical template mechanisms of perception, the quality of the information received about the studied object improves. The first stage of obtaining information and drawing up a psychological portrait is preparatory, for a deeper study of the personality structure. The second stage is the compilation of a metaprogram profile, as one of the ways to psychologically study a candidate for confidential cooperation. The activities of a confidential employee have their own specific features, an operational employee, a disclosure


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How to Cite

Зуйкова АА. Investigation of the candidate’s metaprogram profile for confidential cooperation in the ORD. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.28 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-2):39-43. Available from:

