Digital tools as a driver in medical education


  • Lyudmila A. Deshina Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy»
  • Daria K. Baranova Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy»



digital tools, innovative methods, digital medical education, educational projects, immersive technologies, virtual reality


Interest in the study of modern digital tools in medical education was the modern digitalization of medical education in Russia and the functioning of the electronic educational information system (LMS) in the system of higher and secondary vocational education. The growing interest in optimizing the learning process of medical personnel is confirmed by the increase in the number of scientific publications in the field of developing training programs using artificial intelligence. The aim of the study was to identify the most effective modern digital medical and educational digital tools, to determine their effectiveness in the role of providing high-quality medical knowledge, the profitability of their use as simulators for the training of highly qualified specialists in medical education and for knowledge control. In the course of the work, it was revealed that today the electronic educational information system fully ensures the development of educational programs, regardless of the location of the students and solves such problems as: expanding the access of students, their parents, teachers, deans to the electronic educational information environment; ensuring the objectivity of knowledge control; activation of independent work; creation of a more flexible educational trajectory for different segments of the population; individualization of education. The practical part of the study is aimed at identifying the features of digital tools in teaching medical students as an educational product developed on the basis of virtual, mixed and augmented reality technologies, technologies using artificial intelligence, in order to describe the advantages and main ways to transfer the potential of these tools and technologies. Due to the active work of teachers using modern information technologies in medical education, virtualization of learning helps students to perceive and comprehend information, and to firmly assimilate it, on the one hand, and to develop digital literacy and digital competencies of teachers, on the other hand. Research methods: empirical and qualimetric (observation and qualitative analysis of information). The methodological approach included the principles of an integrated approach using a comparative analytical method. The practical significance was manifested in the fact that the material presented in the article is relevant and useful in pedagogical activity at the present stage of education, as well as in the possibility of using the considered Internet resources to introduce these digital learning tools into medical education.


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How to Cite

Дёшина ЛА, Баранова ДК. Digital tools as a driver in medical education. УО [Internet]. 2024Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];14(1-1):101-13. Available from:

