Psychological and pedagogical discourse of studying the health


  • Natalia N. Shelshakova Petrozavodsk State University



Psychological health, self-realization, self-worth, psychological culture, life-meaning orientations, humanity, heuristic cultural and psychological discourse


The article asserts that the most equivalent verbal formulation of the human model as the basis for building a cultural and psychological discourse of health is S. L. Rubinstein's understanding of a person. Rubinstein S. L. argued that a Person is the World, therefore, the understanding of a person's self-development occurs through the values of human self-determination, which determine the integrity of the world. V. Frankl said that a person's path to himself lies through the world. The understanding of health and disease in these discourses is very different. At first glance, a person who is medically healthy can be deeply ill from the point of view of cultural-ecological or cultural-psychological discourses and vice versa. However, it must be remembered that the transitions from illness to health are quite complex and conditional, the accuracy of the transition cannot be fixed, the boundaries of the manifestation of symptoms are expanding, but due to the individuality of each individual, the symptom is variable and may not fit into the generally accepted picture of the disease. The life activity of a modern person is accompanied by stressful conditions of the present (a pandemic, job cuts, the war in the East, an increase in negative emotional and intellectual load in professional colleges, etc.), which give rise to psychosomatic personality disorders. Under such conditions, the issue of psychological safety in the workplace is quite significant, which contributes to the improvement of the coefficient of productive activity.


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How to Cite

Шельшакова НН. Psychological and pedagogical discourse of studying the health . УО [Internet]. 2021Aug.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(4):47-53. Available from: