Linguocultural memory of Pakistan and China as a component of state policy in the field of education


  • Natalya A. Zavyalova Ural State Pedagogical University
  • Alexandra A. Ryashenkova Ural State Economic University
  • Li Zhaohui Ural State Pedagogical University



Pakistan, China, linguoculturology, continuity, education


This article, on the one hand, is an attempt to present the education system of modern Pakistan through the eyes of a teacher who worked with students and schoolchildren from this country in online and offline modes directly in Pakistan itself, in the city of Islamabad for three months. On the other hand, the proposed educational characteristics are given in comparison with Chinese models. The article sets out a cross-cultural comparative paradigm, which is based on the integration of linguistic samples of culture into the educational programs of Pakistan and China. The authors of the article attempt to answer questions about how linguistic cultural monuments find their admirers among young people within the educational space of the two countries. An important component of China's intangible cultural heritage fund should be considered oral folk art, embodied in fairy-tale texts. Fairy tale texts are integrated into school literature and history curricula. Folk tales included in school curricula are loved by millions of ordinary Chinese, giving the reader an insight into the life of ordinary Chinese, culture and traditions dating back more than a thousand years. The texts of fairy tales are replete with magic and magical fantasy, they cover the entire gamut of genres from romance and adventure to historical parables.


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How to Cite

Завьялова НА, Ряшенкова АА, Чжаохуэй Л. Linguocultural memory of Pakistan and China as a component of state policy in the field of education. УО [Internet]. 2023Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(12-1):198-204. Available from:

