Artistic and applied creativity of students in the conditions of a scientific circle


  • Liliya E. Sidorova North-Eastern Federal University



Artistic and applied creativity, scientific circle, teaching methods, applied art, students


Artistic and applied creativity as a form of activity has a long history and is considered an effective means of developing creative abilities of a person. According to D. Bruner's concept of developmental learning, art classes contribute to the disclosure of individual potential and the formation of self-development skills. Modern psychology also emphasizes the beneficial effects of artistic activity on cognitive processes and emotional well-being. Materials and methods. The study involved 15 students aged 18 to 22 years studying at the Institute of Physics and Technology. For them, a scientific circle on artistic and applied creativity was organized for six months. The participants were engaged in such types of crafts as wood painting, crocheting, pottery. The dynamics of their skills development and the level of satisfaction with classes were studied. Results. Most of the students demonstrated high motivation and significant progress in mastering various techniques of artistic processing of materials. The level of patience and attention to detail has increased. Many also had positive dynamics in their emotional state and life perspective. Materials and methods of research In this study, a set of psychological and pedagogical methods was used, which made it possible to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the process of development of artistic and applied creativity among students. A group of 15 people aged 18 to 22 years old, studying in the fields of training "Technology of artistic processing of materials" at one of the universities of the city, was selected as the object of the study. Voluntary consent to participate in the experiment was received from all respondents. For 6 months, the respondents attended classes of the scientific circle on artistic and applied creativity, which took place 1 time a week. During the classes, he was presented with the basic techniques of decorative and applied art, including: - wood painting with oil and acrylic paints in the style of folklore ornaments; - crocheting of decorative and applied products (napkins, hairpins, etc.); - basic techniques of pottery (molding, painting) for making decorative plates and pottery from local materials. For a more complete description of the results of the study, a detailed analysis of the dynamics of indicators for each participant was carried out separately. Thus, one of the students (No8) had an anxiety index decreased from 34 to 21 points. The coefficient of emotional stability increased from 45% to 62%. Another respondent (No2) showed an increase in the indicator from 1.5 to 4 points when mastering the crochet technique. The value of the depression scale decreased from 21 to 12 points. Student No11 distinguished himself by his confident mastery of pottery. His skill formation score increased from 2 to 4.8 points. The anxiety level decreased by 9 points (from 28 to 19 points). Participant No3 demonstrated the rapid development of wood painting skills, reaching 5 points by the end of the experiment with a starting score of 2.2 points. Her emotional stability coefficient increased by 11%.


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How to Cite

Сидорова ЛЕ. Artistic and applied creativity of students in the conditions of a scientific circle. УО [Internet]. 2023Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(12-1):122-9. Available from:

