The mediative competence of a future teacher as a value aspect of a conflict-free educational environment


  • Natalya S. Podusova Siberian Federal University



mediation competence, teacher, conflict-free educational environment, mediation, conflict, student


The article addresses the issue of the need to form mediation competence of students of future teachers as a value aspect of a conflict-free educational environment and the disclosure of the personal potential of future teachers. Mediational competence is considered as a tool for the formation and development of human capital, and its formation is becoming increasingly relevant and discussed in the pedagogical system. The author analyzes the connection between pedagogical values and the mediative competence of the future teacher. The necessity of developing mediation competence in students as part of their studies at a university is substantiated, and not in the process of teaching activities or at the request of an educational institution. Mediation competence is an integral part of the professional competence of a teacher. In order to develop such competence in future teachers, students of pedagogical specialties need to acquire knowledge and skills not only in pedagogy and professional discipline, but also in conflictology. This presupposes the presence of knowledge and skills in resolving conflict situations, including through mediation as one of the methods of constructive conflict resolution. It is important for a future teacher to have the skills of active listening, conflict management, conflict situation, emotions, helping the parties find a common solution, managing the atmosphere and emotional state of all parties to the conflict, etc.


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How to Cite

Подусова НС. The mediative competence of a future teacher as a value aspect of a conflict-free educational environment. УО [Internet]. 2023Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(12-1):116-21. Available from:

