The quality of economic and organizational conditions for the implementation of secondary vocational education programs: analysis of the opinions of participants in educational relations


  • Artem A. Punantsev Murmansk Arctic University
  • Serafima V. Aminova Murmansk Arctic University



quality of secondary vocational education, federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education, economic and organizational conditions for the implementation of educational programs of secondary vocational education


The research presented in this article is aimed at partially solving the problem of finding a scientific and methodological justification for actions to develop measures that ensure the fulfillment of economic and organizational conditions for the implementation of educational programs of secondary vocational education. The results of testing this software in the Murmansk region are presented. Based on the analyzed and generalized results of testing the developed scientific and methodological support for solutions in ensuring the quality of economic and organizational conditions for the implementation of educational programs of secondary vocational education, it can be concluded that students and parents (legal representatives) of minor students of secondary vocational education are faced with the need for additional expenses for training in vocational educational organizations. At the same time, it is obvious that in the future the content of the concept “mandatory part of the program” in the view of the regional community requires clarification, since the results obtained with a certain degree of confidence suggest that the vision of this concept by the subjects of the educational process differs from the clearly defined one the semantic content of this term in regulatory legal acts. Carrying out educational events on relevant topics, including those aimed at increasing the legal literacy of the population in this area, would help solve this problem.


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How to Cite

Пунанцев АА, Аминова СВ. The quality of economic and organizational conditions for the implementation of secondary vocational education programs: analysis of the opinions of participants in educational relations. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(12-1):37-44. Available from:

