The role of environmental volunteering in the transformation of the higher education system of Kazakhstan


  • Sabina K. Musina Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov
  • Dina E. Akimish Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov



ecology, volunteering, transformation, higher education system, strategy


Environmental volunteering plays an important role in the transformation of the higher education system in Kazakhstan. An active form of participation of students, teachers and staff in special projects and events aimed at nature conservation, environmental education and sustainable use of resources allows not only to acquire new knowledge and skills in the field of ecology, but also to realize their responsibility for the environment. Carrying out these events is aimed at developing civic responsibility and transforming the higher education system in Kazakhstan. Following trends in international practice, universities are developing the volunteer movement. One of the main objectives of environmental volunteering in the higher education system of Kazakhstan is the integration of environmental aspects into educational programs and scientific research. The authors analyzed the ongoing activities for the development of ecovolunteer activities at universities in Kazakhstan. The results of the participation of Kazakhstani universities in international rankings, such as UI GreenMetric World University Rankings and QS Sustainability University Rankings, which are important indicators of their contribution to sustainable development and an eco-oriented approach to education, are considered. Currently, all universities in the world should be focused on creating a “green university”, which has its own indicators. We studied international experience in creating and developing a “green university”.


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How to Cite

Мусина СК, Акимиш ДЕ. The role of environmental volunteering in the transformation of the higher education system of Kazakhstan. УО [Internet]. 2023Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(12-2):218-27. Available from:

