Cognitive architectures in educational systems of technological universities


  • Arsen Zh. Irzhanov Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • Karina V. Yanbarisova Ufa State Petroleum Technological University



cognitive architectures, learning systems, technological universities, educational efficiency, IT disciplines, engineering education, individualization of learning


Introduction: In an era of accelerated development of information technology and an ever-increasing demand for highly qualified specialists in the field of technology, the role of educational institutions, especially universities of technology, becomes critically important. Particular attention is paid to the development and implementation of cognitive architectures in learning systems. This approach opens up new prospects for increasing the effectiveness of teaching, adapting curricula to the individual characteristics of students and accelerating the process of their professional development. Materials and methods: The analysis was carried out based on data from 15 leading technological universities in Russia, where cognitive learning systems were introduced by 2022. Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis were used, including surveys of teachers and students, analysis of curricula and results of examination sessions. Results: The study showed that the introduction of cognitive architectures into the teaching systems of technological universities helps to increase student achievement by 18-22%. The greatest improvement in the quality of education is observed in the field of engineering and IT disciplines. More than 60% of teachers noted an increase in student motivation to study complex technical subjects, and 70% of students confirmed an improvement in their understanding of educational material. As the research results show, the educational process at Russian technological universities has enormous potential for improvement with the help of cognitive architectures. Although the integration and adoption of these technologies is not without complications, their benefits make them a promising and urgent commitment for the development of higher education in Russia.


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How to Cite

Иржанов АЖ, Янбарисова КВ. Cognitive architectures in educational systems of technological universities. УО [Internet]. 2023Nov.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(11-1):141-7. Available from:




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