Strategies for adapting curricula for inclusive education in Russian universities


  • Marina M. Shaylieva Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics



inclusive education, curriculum adaptation, higher education, Russia, digitalization of education, individualization of learning, students with special needs


Introduction: In recent years, in the context of globalization and the intensification of social responsibility, the Russian educational system has been undergoing significant transformations aimed at integrating inclusive education in universities. According to a study conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2021, only 12% of Russian universities are fully adapted to the needs of students with special needs, which underlines the relevance and need to develop strategies for adapting curricula. Materials and methods: The study is based on the analysis of data obtained from 30 leading universities in Russia, covering more than 200 academic programs in various fields. Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis were used, including statistical data processing and expert interviews with teachers who develop and implement inclusive programs. Results: The existing practice of adapting curricula in Russian universities is analyzed, key areas and adaptation strategies are identified. One of the successful models is the integration of specialized modules aimed at the development of universal competencies into standard curricula. Thus, the course "Fundamentals of Inclusive Education" was implemented at Lomonosov Moscow State University with the participation of 150 students in 2022, which increased the level of students' awareness of the specifics of inclusive education by 40%. An important aspect is also the development of individual educational routes for students with special needs. For example, a system of individual curatorships was developed at St. Petersburg State University, which led to a 30% reduction in deductions among students with disabilities in the 2021-2022 academic year. A key element of adaptation is also the introduction of digital technologies and the development of electronic resources available to students with various types of restrictions. The study revealed that 25% of universities use specialized programs and applications to facilitate the education of students with visual and hearing impairments.


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How to Cite

Шайлиева ММ. Strategies for adapting curricula for inclusive education in Russian universities. УО [Internet]. 2023Nov.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(11-1):133-40. Available from:

