The use of interactive technologies in the process of learning healthy lifestyle: experience and prospects in Russian universities


  • Islam M.O. Janiev Ural State Agrarian University
  • Niyaz M. Karimov Ural State Agrarian University
  • Vladimir A. Obnosov Ural State Agrarian University
  • Alexey S. Mishin Ural State Agrarian University
  • Elizaveta R. Shakirova Ural State Agrarian University



interactive technologies, healthy lifestyle, university education, innovative educational methods, virtual laboratories, webinars, educational simulations


Introduction: In the modern educational space, permeated with innovations and technological breakthroughs, interactive technologies are gaining more and more popularity, especially in the context of teaching the basics of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) in higher educational institutions of Russia. The relevance of the research is due to the desire to increase the effectiveness of the educational process and the motivation of students to acquire knowledge about healthy lifestyle through the integration of interactive technologies. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on the basis of three leading universities in Russia, where various interactive teaching methods were tested, including virtual laboratories, interactive webinars and simulators. A survey of 1,200 students and 100 teachers using questionnaires and in-depth interviews allowed us to evaluate the effectiveness and perception of these methods. Data analysis was carried out using the SPSS statistical package and qualitative analysis methods. Results: The study showed that the use of interactive technologies in the process of learning healthy lifestyle significantly increases the level of student engagement. About 75% of the surveyed students noted an increase in interest in the topic of healthy lifestyle after using interactive methods. In particular, virtual laboratory work based on realistic simulations contributed to an improved understanding of complex biological and physiological processes by 34% higher than traditional methods. It was also revealed that interactive webinars combining theoretical lectures with practical tasks increase the level of material assimilation by 40% in comparison with classical lectures.


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How to Cite

Джолиев ИМО, Каримов НМ, Обносов ВА, Мишин АС, Шакирова ЕР. The use of interactive technologies in the process of learning healthy lifestyle: experience and prospects in Russian universities. УО [Internet]. 2023Nov.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(11-1):27-35. Available from:




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