Pedagogical technologies of the development of methods of teaching stage skills in Chinese universities


  • Wang KunHao A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University



pedagogical technologies, stage skills, higher education, didactic principles, teaching methods, interactive learning, distance learning, virtual reality, multidimensional regression, cluster analysis, socio-cultural factors, adaptation of methods


At present, the relevance of the issues of integration of pedagogical technologies into the system of teaching performing arts in higher educational institutions of the China is beyond doubt. However, despite the versatility of approaches to teaching this direction, there are a number of unresolved problems associated with the adaptation of modern methods based on didactic, psychological and technological principles. Conducting experiments in this field, based on cognitive, motivational and situational-task aspects, allows us to determine the optimal methods, means and forms of organization of the educational process. In particular, taking into account variable parameters, such as the age of students (on average 19-25 years old), their basic level of training (58% of students have prior experience in performing), as well as socio-cultural characteristics (37% of students represent regions of China where there are no specialized educational institutions in this area), are key to the development of adequate teaching methods. As part of the study, an analysis of 17 curricula of China universities specializing in training in the field of performing arts was carried out. Of these, 76% integrated elements of distance learning into their curriculum, 52% used interactive learning methods, and only 14% used an integrated approach that includes elements of virtual reality. In parallel, 231 students and 39 teachers were interviewed. Statistical data analysis based on the methods of multivariate regression and cluster analysis revealed significant discrepancies between the needs of students and current teaching methods. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of existing pedagogical techniques and offer optimized solutions for improving the education system in the field of performing arts.


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How to Cite

KunHao W. Pedagogical technologies of the development of methods of teaching stage skills in Chinese universities. УО [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];13(10-1):239-46. Available from:

