Value-semantic system for preventing mental disorders in students
values, discourses, mental health, prevention, system, reflection, spiritual choice, morality, technology, awareness, identity, cognitive intelligence, safetyAbstract
Analysis of the results of studies aimed at assessing the dynamics of the number of mental health disorders in students of all age categories allows us to conclude that there is a steady increase in borderline mental disorders, causing persistent states of mental and educational maladjustment in students at all levels of education from primary to higher school. Assessing the degree of influence of various psychogenic factors on the development of this negative trend allows, in the opinion of most experts, to establish that the main reason is the critical increase in the information load on students. In the process of forming a post-industrial information society and transforming the world economic system, the incoming amount of information exceeds the adaptive capabilities of the individual, which leads to a natural increase in the number of functional disorders of the neurotic range in students. The article is devoted to the value-semantic system for the prevention of mental health disorders in students, which has proven its effectiveness in the process of twenty years of state testing in experimental sites and thirty years of practical application in educational organizations of various types. Since the natural classification of conditions influencing the result of self-awareness is determined by the presence of subjects of observation and the nature of relationships with them, the system for the prevention of mental health disorders is built on preparing students for adequate perception of various conditions and successful management of their state of well-being based on high quality value-semantic awareness.
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