The effectiveness of information technology in teaching piano playing


  • Chen ZiShi A.I.Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University



music education, piano, piano playing, university, college, information technology


New technologies have penetrated almost all areas of education, including general and special music education. The music teacher now has at his disposal a wide variety of tools: all kinds of programs, applications, instruments with MIDI interfaces. But it is not only teachers who benefit from the contribution of new technologies, since the work of researchers is now greatly facilitated thanks to a technological infrastructure that allows accurate measurements of cognitive and motor skills related to music teaching. It is thanks to advanced technological means that we can talk about the creation of a specific research laboratory of piano pedagogy, and experimental studies that would have been impossible one or two decades ago, currently allow for an objective assessment of the effectiveness of information technologies in teaching piano playing. Within the framework of this article, various information technologies that can be implemented when learning to play the piano are considered. The introduction of these technologies should not be carried out on the basis of ordinary schools or institutions of additional music education, but at the level of pre-professional and professional piano playing training. In particular, there are five main topics related to the type of measurements used: software and digital cameras; software for virtual reality; electrodes and sensors; oculometry; software for content analysis and modeling. These technologies will be described in detail in this article. The results of the study can be used in the activities of colleges and universities that train pianists.


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How to Cite

Цзыщи Ч. The effectiveness of information technology in teaching piano playing. УО [Internet]. 2023Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(9):223-31. Available from: