The algorithm of work on the formation of organizational readiness for changes in the management of an educational organization


  • Svetlana E. Berestovitskaya State budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 218
  • Ekaterina A. Belova State budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 218



education management, algorithm, formation of organizational readiness for changes, change management, networking


The article is devoted to the problem of change management in an educational institution. The algorithm of work on the formation of organizational readiness for change (OGI) in the process of managing an educational organization, developed as a result of the implementation of the project of a regional innovation platform on the problem of the formation of OGI (2020-2023). The work on the project was based on the network interaction of three educational organizations: GBOU SOSH No. 218, GBOU Lyceum No. 226, GBOU SOSH No. 312 with an in-depth study of the French language of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg. The algorithm is based on the following key concepts: educational organization development goals, team interaction, information, motivation, encouragement, psychological climate, creative realization. In the process of working on the algorithm, conclusions were drawn that the formation of the OGI cannot be an end in itself, the purpose of the changes is the development of an educational organization. OGI is formed in the process of actions to achieve this goal and further, already formed, it helps to cope with external changes, both positive and negative. OGI cannot be formed once and for all, it must be constantly maintained in the process of working on new goals.


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How to Cite

Берестовицкая СЭ, Белова ЕА. The algorithm of work on the formation of organizational readiness for changes in the management of an educational organization. УО [Internet]. 2023Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(9):82-90. Available from:

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