Martial arts in the system of physical education of students: challenges and prospects


  • Magomed Sh. Magomedov Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Kemran A. Salavatov Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Aslan A. Betmirzaev Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



martial arts, sports, physical culture, health, students


The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of martial arts on the physical condition of students, to identify ways to increase interest in them and ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching martial arts in higher educational institutions within the framework of the Concept of Student Sports development in the Russian Federation. The authors consider the main types of martial arts, such as karate, taekwondo, judo, boxing and others, and analyze their impact on the development of physical and psychological skills of students. The article also highlights the challenges faced by teachers and trainers when introducing martial arts into the system of physical education, and also offers prospects for the development of this area. The research is relevant and useful for specialists in the field of physical education and coaches working with young people. In recent years, interest in martial arts in the system of physical education of students has increased significantly. They have become not only sports disciplines, but also a means of developing physical strength, endurance, coordination of movements, as well as moral and psychological qualities. This article discusses the importance of including martial arts in the educational program of students, as well as analyzes the challenges faced by teachers and coaches in their implementation. An important aspect of the study is also the identification of prospects for the development of this area in the system of physical education. The results obtained will help to develop effective methods of teaching martial arts and create optimal conditions for the development of students through the practice of martial arts.


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How to Cite

Магомедов МШ, Салаватов КА, Бетмирзаев АА. Martial arts in the system of physical education of students: challenges and prospects. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.25 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(7):108-14. Available from:

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