Stylistic device of a pun and its humorous effect


  • Elina Sayd-A. Idrazova Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Aset Sh. Davletukaeva Chechen State Pedagogical University



pun, visual pun, humorous effect, wordplay, homonymy, ambiguity


This article discusses the stylistic technique of a pun and its humorous effect. The authors note the important role of the pun both in colloquial speech and in journalism and literature. A special place in the article is given to the visual pun, where the image is used without verbal accompaniment and a verbal-visual or verbalpictorial pun, in which the visual effect acts along with the verbal one. This article examines the stylistic technique of a pun and its humorous effect. The authors analyze the main characteristics of the pun, its structure and functions in language and literature. They discuss various types of puns, their features and ways of creating them. The article also discusses the humorous effect that is achieved through the use of puns. The authors discuss the influence of the pun on communication, aesthetic value and perception of the text. The study reveals the significance of a pun in literature and everyday speech, and also offers practical examples and recommendations for creating and understanding puns.


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How to Cite

Идразова ЭС-А, Давлетукаева АШ. Stylistic device of a pun and its humorous effect. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(6):194-9. Available from: