Interpretation and translation of artistic works of Chechen literature in the educational process of universities


  • Zukhra I. Yahyaeva Chechen State Pedagogical University
  • Tamusa Kh. Akhmadova Kadyrov A.A. Chechen State University



chechen literature, translation, interpretation, educational process, universities of the Russian Federation, adaptation


In the modern academic world, the problem of translation and interpretation of literary works in foreign languages is the most important object of study, especially in the context of the diversity of cultural traditions and literary styles. In particular, the process of translating and adapting works of Chechen literature in Russian universities is gaining significant importance in the light of the lack of high-quality research papers on this topic. According to Rosstat data for 2023, only 3% of universities in the Russian Federation offer courses focused on Chechen literature, and the number of translations of such works into Russian remains insignificant. This study is aimed at analyzing and identifying the main trends, as well as overcoming gaps in the existing teaching and application of the methods of translation and interpretation of Chechen literature in Russian universities. In the course of studying this problem, our team analyzed 32 universities, 112 methodological materials and 58 works of art included in the educational process. It was found that most universities do not provide sufficient context for the study of Chechen literature. In particular, only 37% of the curricula included the study of the history and culture of Chechnya. As a result, students are deprived of the opportunity to fully understand and value the works, which leads to simplification of interpretations and neglect of the complexities of translation.


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How to Cite

Яхьяева ЗИ, Ахмадова ТХ. Interpretation and translation of artistic works of Chechen literature in the educational process of universities. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(8):191-7. Available from: