Development of foreign language communicative competence of future Masters of Technical Sciences in foreign language lessons


  • Oksana A. Garifova Samara State Technical University



foreign language communicative competence, masters of technical specialties, teaching a foreign language


The development of foreign language communicative competence is one of the key tasks of modern education. In the context of globalization and integration, knowledge of a foreign language becomes an integral part of the professional training of students, especially future masters of technical specialties. This is due to the need for interaction with the international community, participation in scientific and technical projects, as well as the search for new career opportunities. Foreign language communicative competence is a complex concept that combines language knowledge, skills of understanding and productive use of speech in various communicative situations. It includes the ability to communicate effectively, transmit information, express your thoughts and ideas, as well as interact in a foreign language with native speakers and other communication participants. In the process of learning a foreign language, students form and develop their foreign language communicative competence, which becomes an important factor of successful professional activity in the technical field. The scientific literature presents various theoretical foundations and approaches to the development of foreign language communicative competence. The functional-communicative approach developed by V.N. Gromov and A.A. Leontiev focuses on the practical use of language and its functional aspects. The situational approach proposed by D.I. Kallash is focused on the development of communication skills in specific life situations. The task approach developed by V.I. Zagorulko pays special attention to solving practical problems and developing skills of independent work. However, in the context of technical specialties, the development of foreign language communicative competence acquires its own characteristics. Technical communication requires the use of specialized vocabulary, terminology and special skills of interaction within the scientific and technical sphere. Future masters of technical specialties should be ready for professional communication, both in their native and in a foreign language, in order to communicate effectively with colleagues, specialists, customers and other project participants. The purpose of this scientific work is to analyze and evaluate the practices of developing foreign language communicative competence in foreign language lessons for future masters of technical specialties in Russian universities. To achieve this goal, the existing programs and teaching materials used in the lessons, as well as methods.


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How to Cite

Гарифова ОА. Development of foreign language communicative competence of future Masters of Technical Sciences in foreign language lessons. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(8):59-66. Available from: