Codifier as an instrumental basis for the development of tasks on the formation of reading literacy at the lessons of literary reading


  • Svetlana V. Kosikova Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University



functional literacy, reading literacy, codifier, reading skills, literary reading, learning task, literary text


The article broadcasts the result of the participation of teachers of the MAOU secondary school No. 11 in Berezniki, Perm Territory, in innovative activities in the development of tasks used in literary reading lessons to form the reading literacy of younger students. This innovation was implemented under the guidance of the author of the article on the terms of an agreement with the Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University in 2022. The innovative product developed by the teachers is a codifier that contains a list of skills being formed that are part of reading literacy, and the formulation of typical tasks for texts of works of art. On the one hand, this tool allows you to exclude the random selection of tasks by the teacher when analyzing a literary text, on the other hand, using a skill code, a primary school teacher can, to any work of art studied in the course "Literary Reading", with -set a set of tasks for the formation of reading literacy of a younger student. The text of the article provides examples of tasks developed based on this codifier. During this period, the developed tasks are being tested in educational practice.


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How to Cite

Косикова СВ. Codifier as an instrumental basis for the development of tasks on the formation of reading literacy at the lessons of literary reading. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(8):24-33. Available from: