Pedagogical aspects of the use of the conceptual forms "hut" and "palace" in the genre-style space of N.M. Karamzin's novels. Article two. "The Palace"


  • Sergey M. Shavrygin Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"



сoncept, genre, plot, chronotope, idyll, pastoral, story


In the article, within the framework of cognitive poetics, the core concept image of «house» in its individually author's stylistic design «palace» is considered, representing one of the main genre-forming features — chronotope, in its spatial aspect, linking genre discourse to a specific space that organizes a holistic image of the artistic world in the novels of N. M. Karamzin. The plot of the stories is formed around the locus «dwelling», but the type of dwelling is fundamentally different in different groups of stories. In one of them, the concept image «palace, halls, terem» introduces us to the sphere of the gallant fairy-tale world formed by the era of late classicism and Rococo, and in the other, the concept image «hut» connects us to the sphere of the idyllic world and is the most important genre-forming feature of pastoral genres. Thus, these groups of stories demonstrate two different genre-style types of prose narration by N. M. Karamzin. The concept of «palace» is a marked element of a precise, gallant style, which forms a fabulous, gallantly-precise genre-style unity, fueled by the tradition of ancient literature, French prose of the XVII century, Russian heroic fairy tales and especially the poem by I. F. Bogdanovich «Darling» («Dushen'ka»), the motives of which become integral constructive elements of N. M. Karamzin's gallant stories.


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How to Cite

Шаврыгин СМ. Pedagogical aspects of the use of the conceptual forms "hut" and "palace" in the genre-style space of N.M. Karamzin’s novels. Article two. "The Palace". УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(8):19-23. Available from: