Interpersonal relationships of children with visual impairment


  • Natalia N. Shelshakova Petrozavodsk State University



Vision, communication, interpersonal relationships, children, conflicts, contacts, socialization


One of the problems that psychological and pedagogical science should solve is the social adaptation, rehabilitation and integration of children with visual impairments into society. In the Soviet period, well-known psychologists L. S. Vygotsky, R. M. Boskis, M. S. Pevsner, F. F. Rau and others stood in the way of an individual approach to the education of children with psycho-physical disabilities. Such children require special support, assistance in learning, depending on their psycho-physical vices. All this should be aimed at revealing the individual capabilities of students to achieve social adaptation and integration into society. The research notes that children with disabilities easily perceive the positive aspects of life as well as the negative ones, in particular, when they come into conflict with the law. The purpose of this study is to analyze the problem of teaching children with visual impairments and to reveal the pedagogical conditions that will contribute to their effective adaptation and integration into society. Over the past decade, a number of normative documents have been adopted to improve the educational process in schools, in particular, on special education (the law “On Education” and “The Concept of Special Education”, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Backward Children and Disabled People, etc.). Most of the auxiliary schools are boarding schools. This leads to the isolation of the child from society, the creation of conditions aimed mainly at meeting the personal needs of children. In such conditions, a person is formed who is not ready for a full-fledged independent life after graduation. The question arose about the modification of the system of special education-the implementation of integration into the general education structure.

Author Biography

Natalia N. Shelshakova, Petrozavodsk State University

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood


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How to Cite

Шельшакова Н. Interpersonal relationships of children with visual impairment. УО [Internet]. 2021May11 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(3):190-9. Available from: