Family education as a basis for the formation of patriotism in adolescents


  • Gulfiya R. Dzhumagalieva Astrakhan State University named after V. N. Tatishchev



patriotism, family education, teenagers, Russia


Patriotism is one of the important aspects of the upbringing of children and adolescents. It helps to form a civic identity, respect for the culture and history of their country, as well as a sense of responsibility for the future of their homeland. However, in the modern world, patriotic feelings among teenagers are not always formed effectively enough. There are a number of problems related to the patriotic education of children and adolescents. One of these problems is the lack of a unified strategy at the State level. There are also problems in families related to the lack of time for parents to educate patriotism in their children and insufficient qualifications of parents in this area. At the same time, in the modern world there are new opportunities for patriotic education associated with digital technologies and the development of innovative methods and approaches. This article discusses the main problems associated with patriotic education in families, as well as ways to solve them. The analysis of existing programs and activities aimed at developing patriotic feelings among teenagers in Russia, including within educational institutions, was also carried out. At the end of the article, forecasts for the development of the branch of patriotic education of children and adolescents in the future are presented.


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How to Cite

Джумагалиева ГР. Family education as a basis for the formation of patriotism in adolescents. УО [Internet]. 2023Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(3):48-55. Available from: