Forming of moral feelings in older preschool children in conditions of poly-artistic activity


  • Liu Jun South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University



moral education, moral feelings, moral ideals, preschool children, spiritual and moral values, poly-artistic activity


The discussion of the problem of moral education prompted us to consider such an aspect as the formation of moral feelings in older preschool children. In this article, the concepts of morality were considered from different points of view, as well as to analyze the essence of moral education based on the regulatory framework. Referring to the theory of moral development L. We identified the important components of our work and developed the stages of the organization of the educational process, including consideration of the content of activities and methods of conducting the process of forming moral feelings. In the process of considering the topic, we determined that the activation of various types of creative activity based on the natural poly-art of a preschooler is able to achieve the goal of moral education. Therefore, the area that serves as the main field for the development of moral feelings, we have defined precisely poly-artistic activity. The formation of moral feelings is carried out in stages in the interaction of the preschool organization and the family, and the indicator of the formation of moral feelings will be the practical-activity orientation of the child to the translation of moral values. At the end of the article, we listed the conditions affecting the development of moral feelings and summarized the research work on this topic.


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How to Cite

Цзюнь Л. Forming of moral feelings in older preschool children in conditions of poly-artistic activity. УО [Internet]. 2023Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(3):35-41. Available from: