Information technologies in phonetics classes as a means of stimulating students to professional selfimprovement


  • Galina A. Malukina National University of Science and Technology «MISiS»



phonetics, classes, research, stimulation, students


Language competence can be characterized in various dimensions and aspects, of which the most obvious are speech, writing, listening (listening perception) and reading. Listening and reading are based on the mental processes of interpreting sound and graphic language signals perceived by auditory and visual receptors. Most methodologists use the terms language and speech competence and refer these concepts to the conceptual foundations of teaching the native language. Others argue that "the main goal in language teaching is the formation and development of a language personality – a person who shows a high level of language and speech competence." V. Vinogradov in the 30s of the twentieth century introduced the term "language personality" and noticed that the language personality is "a receptacle of social speech forms and norms of the collective; merging different language categories". At the present stage, the concept of "linguistic personality" is being investigated much more deeply: as a model of speech actions; semiological personality; poly-intellectual (universal) and ideolect (inherent in a certain community) personality; dictionary language personality; national language personality; active language personality. It is in this vein that phonetics classes are becoming particularly relevant among students.


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How to Cite

Малюкина ГА. Information technologies in phonetics classes as a means of stimulating students to professional selfimprovement. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(1):226-33. Available from: