Formation of skills and abilities of conducting a comparative study of the main categories of incentives by polygraph examiners in the process of professional training


  • Rustem R. Sadekov FGKOU DPO VIPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
  • Natalia V. Boyko FGKOU DPO VIPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia



training, polygraph, questions, tests, professional training, specialist, incentive, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


In the presented article, the authors investigate topical issues related to the formation of important skills necessary for the performance of official duties and the skills of conducting a comparative study by polygraph specialists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of the main categories of stimuli used in various methods of psychophysiological research using a polygraph. The concept of the term "stimulus", its etymology and types, the available scientific research of leading experts in this field were analyzed, and the importance of studying this issue by persons undergoing training as a key aspect affecting the quality and result of the polygraph test was noted. The authors recommend in the process of professional training to study in detail the specifics of the questions used in the study with the use of a polygraph, as this is of great methodological importance, due to the fact that the reactions received on them allow us to assess the degree of psychological adaptation of the interviewee to the subject of the current test. In turn, the preparation of questions for tests is one of the fundamental components of the preparatory stage of the survey with the use of a polygraph, and the polygraph examiner is obliged to know all types of questions, their features and strictly comply with the methodological requirements for the formulation of questions. In the course of training, of course, teachers need to pay special attention to this. Based on the works of research scientists in the article, the authors present the existing positive scientific and pedagogical experience in studying with students the features of the types and purposes of using stimuli in various methods of special psychophysiological research using a polygraph, and also formulate the basic requirements for the technology of drawing up questions for tests as one of the key components of polygraph research. In the work, the authors focus on studying the specifics of the work of polygraph examiners, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area, the formation of skills and abilities to analyze situations that develop in the process of working with the examined persons, pedagogically and psychologically competently solve issues related to the formulation of questions on various topics during a polygraph test.


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How to Cite

Садеков РР, Бойко НВ. Formation of skills and abilities of conducting a comparative study of the main categories of incentives by polygraph examiners in the process of professional training. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):204-12. Available from: